
working girl:

Or: working-woman , a euphemism for:

1. A prostitute . See prostitute for synonyms.

2. A (gay) male prostitute .

See Also: afternoon gig, albedosynia, apartment girl, auto pimp, B-G, B-girl, babia majora, baby child, bachelor girl, back-door work, bankside lady, beach bunny, beddies, Blackout Romeo, bremelo, bumps, C-girl, C-lady, calf love, call flat, cherry-merry, chick fancier, chick-a-biddy, chick-pic, chickabiddy, chicken head, chicken rancher, chickie, chicklet, chickybabe, chiclet, cleft underside, cliner, coddy-moddy, cooker, corephallia, corephallism, crusher, cuddle and kiss, daytimer, distaff, drive one's hos, earth moved, the, eirog, Elvira, escort, face on a stick, fille de joie, fille de nuit, fire the question, fishtail, gay girl, gay woman, get it together, Ginger, girl-crazy, girleen, girlish, glitterbag, hawk one's brown, hawk one's meat, hawk one's pearly, head cook and bottle washer, high forehead, high postage, hippy-witch, house prostitute, hoydon, ivory pearl, johnson, karena, kiddy freak, korephile, little charmer, live by the trade, mackadocious, mother of pearl, nectar, night job, ocean pearl, ownio, panel worker, parthenophobia, peddle one's ass, peddle one's butt, peddle one's hips, peddle one's meat, peddle one's wares, peddle pussy, Playboys Playmate, pom-poms, ponce off, pony, pop the question, pre-woman, receding hairline, reel in the biscuit, respectable whore, rita, scab, scrag, sex bunny, sex kitten, sexual object, skinz, spinners, street pimp, street trick, sub-deb, tail chicken, tender chick, tenderoni, thelyflorescence, trick suit, trod the boards, trod the planks, twirl, twist and twirl, undercover man, val, virgin airlines, walk the pavement, walking the street(s), wallet girl, winds do whirl, work a crib, work from the book, work one's ass off, work the cuts, working inside, working outside, working the bricks, working the street(s), working woman, Yankee heaven, zebra'd, zimmer

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